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product design

Design Factors:

• Research and Analysis

• Concepts design

• Design refinement

• Pre-engineering

• Follow up on Prototyping

Sol project shows the studio approach to the development of a new and iconic contract chair. Creating Furniture Design requires a shift in the design from the simple functionality of the product towards something that is also very emotional and personal, something that emphasized poetry of design while serving greatly to its functional tasks.

Colored outline defines an object that tends to disappear. A chair's profile synthesized in a graphical element: the "Eight" butterfly  shape of the Sol monocoque design. Sol reinterprets the classic iconic Thonet chair translating that simplicity into the newest set of materials, it is made using latest over-molding technology which bends together in 1 piece the clear plastic and the colored one.

The client gave lots of freedom in the initial stage pf the project underlining the only request was to build something new and at the same time familiar to everyone like a Thonet chair would be and that was very helpful in this particular  project because we could extend  the majority of the research in the conceptual phase.

For each concepts was very important to build different storytelling through shapes and designs and internally re-evaluate them and reshape them in even more simplistic iconic manners.

By the end of the phase one b-on developed dozen of final concepts and discussed with the clients feasibility and modifications to bring on for the final stage of the project. The seat was prototyped in wood and tested, the implementations continued with the pre-engineering of all parts and final CMF's specification  for the final collection of the Sol chair.

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